Sponsorship Overview
On this page, we provide a list of the sponsors for the ACL 2017 conference, an overview of why the Association for Computational Linguistics solicits sponsorships, and a summary of the sponsorship benefits.
Current Sponsors
We gratefully acknowledge support provided by the following for the ACL 2017 conference:
Platinum Tier

Gold Tier

Silver Tier

Bronze Tier

Supporter Tier

Other Support
We acknowledge the generous support of the National Science Foundation which has awarded a $15,000 grant to the ACL Student Research Workshop. The money will be used to subsidize housing, registration, and travel costs for US-based students who are selected to participate in the workshop.
Why Become a Sponsor?
The Annual Meeting for the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) provides the pre-eminent forum for dissemination of the latest developments in computational linguistics and natural language processing. The ACL, its regional chapter in Europe (EACL), and the Special Interest Group on Linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP (EMNLP) will host the following ACL-related conferences in 2017:
- EACL 2017 in Valencia, Spain (April 3 – 7)
- ACL-HLT 2017 in Vancouver, Canada (July 30 – August 4)
- EMNLP 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark (September 7 – 11)
In recent years, ACL conferences have enjoyed a growth spurt and now attract between 1,200 and 1,700 paying attendees, EACL conferences between 500 and 600, and EMNLP conferences between 700 and 850.
Sponsorships are very important to these conferences since the expense for all of them is paid from just two sources of income: the registration fees paid by the conference attendees and sponsorships from corporations, universities, and other institutions. Sponsorships allow these conferences to keep registration costs down, which is particularly important for students.
All ACL conferences usually provide recognition and other benefits to sponsors in exchange for their financial support. These benefits include:
- Acknowledgement at commencement and end of sponsored sessions
- Acknowledgement and hyperlink on conference website
- Advertisements in program booklet
- Logos on and promotional material in conference bags
- Trade booths on the conference floor
- Complimentary registration for company representatives
The specific benefits provided depend on the sponsorship tier. ACL conferences offer several sponsorship tiers. Sponsors can also purchase sponsorship “packs” which, for a single payment, provides access to sponsorship opportunities at any two out of the three, or even all three, conferences. The tiles below show a summary of the pricing for the five major tiers for each individual conference and also for the 3-pack.
For contact information & pricing details for all sponsorship tiers and packs, please click on the button below.